Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Top of My Game

BEFORE continuing to read, please take the time and realize squirrels are people too and perhaps people are squirrels too in some way... Evidence shown here > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wo2-FNfbqYY&feature=related

In life, we all have certain things we're proud about. As a runner, this includes personal best times in races, and/or workouts.

For me, I'm different. As a runner, and if you know me... also, as a person. I move to a different beat of my own drum. First off, I don't like following the norm of things. Rather, I will make my own way. Since I can remember, this has included wearing a ridiculously big wristband... Yes, people. I know. It's dorky wearing pink gloves at races, and at my more important meets, sporting blue sunglasses that had yellow flames on the side with the writing, "Hotwheels." My reasoning(s)... Chicks dig it.

Back on topic:

To non-runners, many just think running... is well, 'running.' It can actually be very complicated. If one sees me out and about on a run, you are not seeing the true colors to running. It is when you do not see me, when 'work' is being done. Whether it be me at the track, a race, or doing intervals at some non-populated area to keep track of splits for timed intervals, or tempos. As for the Tempo aspect of running, they can be tough for oneself to hold a particular 'high' heart rate for a fixed amount of time, which ensures you WILL suffer for that set amount time, oh... 'the joy of running'. Tempos can vary from 3 to 10 miles typically. Of course with a proper warm-up and cool-down that can sometimes add several miles to the total. Pace can range from 4.45 mile pace to 5.30 pace. As for intervals, this is where it gets complex in the running world.

Intervals among many 'elites' in the world can vary greatly. This is where my post gets going. In my training, I like to 'experiment.' I like to run up to 160 miles a week, which is rarely done, and in this case, do 'lots' of intervals.

Last winter, I was seeing the effects of doing a lot of 400 meter repeats. Simply with 1 minute of rest in-between and then proceed to start the next repeat and so forth. My reasoning for doing so is simple. Among many runners, there is a well known 'fictional' running book. It entails details of a runner by the name of Quenton Cassidy, doing crazy training of 160 miles a week (I beat him there, did a couple weeks over 160) and doing 60 total 400 meter repeats. Well, I wanted to beat him in that aspect too. So, I told a friend in 4 weeks I would destroy his workout and beat him by one 400 meter repeat! This is what entailed in our conversation when I told my friend, who was also a fellow runner:

Friend: "Clay... You do realize this is about a 'fictional' runner... right?!"

Me: "It's personal between me and Quenton Cassidy!"

Friend: "He's NOT real."

Me: "You're not real."

Friend: "You're playing this game again?"

Me: "You're a game!"

Friend: "Anyways, when are you doing this workout?"

Me: "4 weeks, I'm going to do 20 repeats the first week and add 10 repeats each week." As I then proceeded to think to myself...with school and everything, and this being over winter break, this was my opportunity to De-thrown Quenton Cassidy!!! Muhahaha!!!!

Friend: "Clay, you're doing it again. You think you're talking to yourself, but you're not. You're talking out loud... again. And hey man, what's with the evil laugh. Where did that come from!?"

Me: Shut up, whore!

Friend: "Why do I hang out with you?"

Me: "GREAT question!"


As the first week of 20 repeats came, no prob! It's also important to note, all repeats HAD to be 70 seconds or faster, ALL repeats had to be or they didn't count. Then came 30 repeats... in which, half the team didn't believe I was going to do them, so they came out at the local track and supported me... at 11 o'clock... at night... on a random Tuesday. All of the guys knew the statistics, 70 flat and NO MORE than 60 seconds rest in-between repeats.

Teammate just before repeat # 17: "Clay.."

Me: As I was taking a couple deep breaths, breathing in for the next repeat, "What?"

Teammate: "55 seconds rest currently...You gotta go!"

With a simple, and slightly evil stare, as if to say, "I know where you live!" I took off for repeat 17.

My teammate turns to another guy on the team... "Clay's doing it again... he thinks he's talking to himself, but he's actually saying that out loud... AND (For the record, and to what I was later told, a slight head shake in wonder)..."Clay lives with me... of course he knows where I live.."

By repeat 28, one teammate says in a stone cold face, "Clay, I believe."

To which, it was 2 degrees out, there's not much more he could say... Personally, I think he meant to say more... like,  "Clay, I believe squirrels are the greatest things ever, they ARE God's little babies! YOU WANT ONE AS A PET 'TOO'!? Why yes Clay, my mom is available this Saturday!"

The next week of 40 repeats I would be alone, except for the company of a couple kids I trained doing a fixed number of intervals with me. (BTW, ALL 3 that were there, balled it up that upcoming track season... I know my stuff, what can I say!) *cough* "CLAY, you're doing it again. You keep thinking you're not talking to yourself, but you're talking out loud," says a friend sitting right by me, as I type this current entry.

Now, as I write this to you, I've got bad news and good news... "What do you want to hear first?"

"The bad news?"


"Turns out Geico is totally full of shit! AND you can NOT save 15% on your car insurance!"

...Now, the Good news?

"Okay, I lied... Both things are bad news."

Unfortunately, after I did 40 repeats, I was not able to go for 61 400 meter repeats (And may I remind you, to CRUSH Quenton Cassidy's 60 times 400 meter repeat workout) the week after I 'attempted' 50 repeats. Oklahoma received a huge ice storm and I had to resort to doing an on and off type interval workout on the roads, 'Woah is me'.

But... I will discuss my 'attempt' of doing the 50 times 400 meter repeat workout.

Frist off, I was home. So naturally, I went out to my Club's track and did the workout there, as well as, having the company of the same handful of kids I was training.

With temp's in the 50's, no wind, it was PERFECT. Rocking the pink gloves, bright yellow running shorts, a long sleeve nike under armor tee, and a new addition to 'my style'... long white tube socks... I was ready to go! One by one, I lined up for each repeat. Naturally, getting this routine perfect- a few steps over to the line, left foot just two inches before the line, knees bent, a good lean forward, and a simple clicking of the watch to signal the timing of the interval, followed by striding out, as I glided around the track repeat after repeat. There was a pulse, an electric static in the cool crisp air. People from the club buzzing around, talking about life, school, and how big of a whore Suzzy Q. was.

By 26 repeats, I was alone and no longer had the company of fellow runners.

By 30 repeats, naturally, the mind starts to play tricks on you... HECK... I can barely count to 30, let alone continue for another 20 repeats... "DEAR BABY JESUS!"

Although, something was different. I was rolling off 70 flat or faster on the repeats, yet, not exerting a great deal of effort. I later figured out, after 4 weeks of 400 meter repeats... my body adapted to the new stimulus, and to what I call "fit". I love this feeling. Personally, this is one of the greatest pleasures in life.

As I kept my stern focus, solemnly running lap after lap, people finishing their cooldowns began to sit trackside and wonder,  "What the hell is he still doing?!" As another person chimed up, "That's Clay, he's weird.".... Others asking, "What do you mean?" With no time to waste, "Well, he likes long walks on the beach, bubble baths, and reads romantic novels... as well as, having an obsession with squirrels, and proclaiming, "THEY ARE GOD'S LITTLE BABIES!!!.. He also sent me this youtube clip 'randomly' about squirrels... it was WEIRD!" (--youtube clip to be included at end of post--)

With just several repeats to go, the gloves are off... literally along with my long-tee, so it now stands... I sported running shorts and righteous tube socks for the remaining repeats. As the last several repeats were coming to a close, I started rolling....running 68... 67's... and a few 66's on the last 20% of the repeats... I would not be phased by this workout. In between those intervals, I was now talking to my club coach who just got back from his cooldown and was done talking to all the parents and fan fare he receives... 'he receives a lot, let me tell you.'

As the workout is coming to a close, I finish strongly and without too much trouble. My current thoughts, Quenton Cassidy, You will be mine! Just then, on the track itself, a friend pipes up... "GEEZUS, CLAY, YOU ALWAYS TALK OUT-LOUD WHEN YOU THINK YOU'RE NOT. I REALLY DON'T THINK YOU KNOW THE MEANING OF TALKING TO YOURSELF.... with an awkward pause in time and a look of embarrassment... the convo is finished with a, "WOW."

As I grabbed my gear and headed home, I proceeded to stop by the local convenient store and stuff my face with 3 chocolate milks, a bag of peanuts, and then later on in the drive stop by Subway for a sub... Oh, let me say, I eat because I'm happy, I'm happy because I eat!

Youtube clip that was being talked about, and said to be 'weird'... it's not... it's AWESOME!!... VIEW HERE>-- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qb8JytAxLa4&feature=related

-clay j. mayes the 3rd


  1. Well done Clay,
    your blogs are so funny and interesting!
    your writing amuses me!
    whattaa stud ( :

  2. Thanks Tauni! I appreciate hearing that from you!

    I wish you much luck with your xc season! I'll be checking to see how you do and hope to see you light it up this season! Keep up the good work!

  3. Your very welcome!
    and thank you. im real excited about this xc season! i have a good feeling that we're gonna kick some butt!.. and thanks again(:

    Coach Holt was bragging about you last practice!

  4. "my body adapted to the new stimulus, and to what I call "fit". I love this feeling. Personally, this is one of the greatest pleasures in life".

    I love that feeling!

    Where you taking any extended breaks, like 400m jogs, in between sets or did you just rest 1 minute after each 400?
